Monday, 29 August 2016


Tip 1 Always eat at regular hours.

Tip 2 Never ever skip any meal.

Tip 3 Don't forget to eat your breakfast.

Tip 4 Take time to chew your food well.

Tip 5 Give variations in your menu.

Tip 6 Avoid anything that has little or no nutritious value such as pastries, sweets, crisps, soda drinks.

 Tip 7 Beware of salt consumption as it can cause hypertension.

 Tip 8 Drink lots of fresh juice and eat raw vegetables

Tip 9 Add six (6) to eight (8) glasses of water or vegetable juice or sugar-free juice per day  in your diet.

 Tip 10 Drink milk for calcium.

Tip 11 Always eat food supplements which are of good quality.

Tip 12 Take rest after each meal and don not start working or exercising just after consuming meals.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Why are Asian People Short?

Asian people who are shorter are now increasing their height relatively quickly by improving their diets and doing exercises and this can be seen in most Asian nations such as South Korea, India and China. But still there are many developing nations which due to various cultural influences such as diet difference and malnutrition suffer from growth rate.

The short height of the people of Developing Asian Nations is due to micronutrient deficiency in these nations. Asians suffer from nutritional deficiencies because they intake low calcium due to lactose intolerance in 95% of their adult population. They consume limited amount of protein, iodine, iron, reduced vitamin D, vitamin A which are not available in their nutritional diet. The darker skin also synthesises vitamin D at a much slower rate as compared to the whites.

White rice which is the most popular food amongst Asians and refined bread also leads to micro-nutrient deficiency. Asians consume white rice instead of whole grains which bring about an increase in insulin production, which creates imbalance of hormones and reduces growth hormones.

Giving less importance to exercise, fluoride poisoning also affects growth of millions of Asians.

Many Asian cultures value white skin and they often avoid outdoor sports to avoid being tanned. This causes deficiency of Vitamin D. Skin Whiteners which are very popular amongst Asians contains mercury or hydroquinone as their main ingredients which are considered toxic chemicals and affects growth of Asians including unborn baby in pregnant women.

The Explanation which can be given for Swedish and European people who have relatively tall height is that lactose intolerance only affects 5% of European and 2% of Swedish and they have highest intake of vitamin D.

Now, the scenario is changing and the Young Asian population is  getting aware in respect of their looks and they are spending money and time on various diet programs, exercises and Height programs in order to look good.


Thursday, 25 August 2016

2 Effective Stretching Exercises To Increase Height



Proper height is very important to perform our daily life activities in a better way. Apart from providing great looks, tall appearance can also boost our confidence level. Reasons for poor height vary from one person to another. Reduced production of growth hormones, malnutrition and genetics are some among the main factors that affect the height of a person. Lifestyle plays a prominent role in improving our body height. Following a healthy diet included with essential nutrients like potassium, calcium and zinc is found to be very effective to increase the height of a person. Let's see here how to grow taller after puberty.

Including dairy products in diet is one among the safe ways to increase height naturally. Food sources like cheese, paneer (a soft cheese from South Asia, often made in the home) and yogurt are found to be enriched with proteins, calcium and vitamin compounds like vitamin B, D and E. Calcium compounds in milk can improve the growth of muscles and bones naturally. If you are in search of a natural way to alleviate the risk of poor height problems, then feel free to make use of milk products in daily diet schedule. If possible, drink two glasses of milk per day.

Similar to dairy products, including milk in diet schedule is another safe way to alleviate the risk of poor height problems. High quality protein present in eggs can naturally increase the growth of bones and muscles. Apart from proteins, eggs are also found to be as a rich source of vitamin D, calcium and vitamin B2 compounds. It strengthens the functioning of bones and muscles naturally. For effective result, it is generally advised to consume 3 to 6 egg whites daily.

Including chicken in daily diet is another safe remedial measure so as to improve the height of a person. Natural proteins in chicken can directly improve the growth of muscles and tissues. To get the best health advantage, it is generally advised to consume at least 50 grams of chicken every day.
Now let's see how soy bean can help in increasing the body height of a person. It is a common food source recommended to increase the height of a person. Today, many supplements for increasing the body height of a person are added with soy bean extract as a key ingredient. Presence of proteins, folate, fibre and vitamins can naturally increase the production of growth hormone in body. This feature in turn helps to increase the height of user.

How much amount of soy bean do we need to consume per day? This is a common query heard from people. Generally, dietitians advise their patients to intake at least fifty five grams of soy bean per day. Today, you can also get soy bean products from market in the form of soy milk and tofu. Hence feel free to make use of this food source as per the requirement.

Banana is another natural food source to improve the height of a person. Apart from height increase, including banana in daily diet can also increase the weight of user. Some among the active compounds in banana include potassium, manganese and calcium. Retaining the concentration of calcium in bone is one among the key features of banana. Manganese present in banana can improve the bone health and metabolism in body. Moreover, probiotic bacteria in banana are found to be very useful to improve the absorption of calcium from foods. This feature in turn increases the strength of bones and muscles. 


Saturday, 20 August 2016

Growth And Development - Why Is A Person Short?

Do you want to grow taller? What makes you think that you are short anyway? Looking at a person is not the basis of height. Someone may look at you as a short, but some may look at you as tall. Your stature would be depending on how other people see you. And being not that tall must not lower down yourself esteem. There are certain causes why you do not have that height, and you shouldn't blame it on yourself alone.

There are reasons why people do not have the right height, or most likely as what we term as those who are experiencing short stature. These issues can be treated and some are not possible to treat. One of the main reasons why a child is short in terms of height is because of genetic attributes.

Knowing that your mom and dad have these traits makes you prone to the same genetic composition as well. Because of genetics, being a child of parents that are short in height makes you short as well. There are other physical characteristics that one may inherit from the parents, like for instance the hair, the skin color, and the eye color.

The good news is that, even if your parents are both short in height, you may be able to grow taller than them for about several inches. Because of today's new researches regarding medical technology as well as proven, height programs that really works, a child may grow taller than their short parents. Added to these are also nutritional programs that would help a person who wants to grow taller gain a few more inches in height by getting the necessary nutrition, he or she needs in eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals, which are known to be growth enhancers.

The failure of a person to grow taller and have the body develop, may be due to growth failure conditions that no possible treatment can be done, and these conditions may be categorized as congenital, systemic and endocrine conditions. Some people have their children go through a growth hormone treatments,  but the results do not put an end to the doubt if it does work or not.

What is important here is that, you can still take your chances through getting the right nutrition that your body needs. Try living a healthy lifestyle, with frequent exercises, and a complete 9-hour sleep. You may want to see if height programs could work for you. With a lot of determination and persistence, you may be able to gain that few inches you want to grow taller.


Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Increasing Height Begins With Early Childhood

We are aware that everything that we experience by childhood is our stepping stone as we reach adulthood. Every activity that takes place in our body during childhood is the best basis of our growth and development in the time yet to come.

Nowadays, height is very important. From applying to jobs, to getting chosen for an audition, being tall gives you a very good advantage. That is the reason why a lot of people are now looking for ways to become taller.

Even during childhood, children experience the same discriminating factors when it comes to height. These children are most likely the ones being bullied and they are the one's who are being called names when in the playground.

As parents we see to it that our children should be able to deal with these peer pressure, as well as challenges in facing issues with the society. If height is the issue, then we look for ways to become taller.

Growth and development starts from early childhood, so if parents would be able to find ways to maximise the options that they can make use of in helping their children grow naturally, then that would be of great help.

It is important that at an early age, the parents should teach their children to eat healthy food, get plenty of exercise, and obtain a good night's sleep. If  your child is not that much engaged in doing those routine exercises in the morning, you can have him or her join a sports activity, that would make your child's body more active.

As parents, you should be good examples to your children. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, then they would do the same. You should get rid of those unhealthy habits that may be detrimental to your and your child's health, like for instance smoking.

If you aim for your child's ability to become taller as he or she grows, and you would like to get fast results on this. You may have to consult a specialist that can deal with a child's hormonal balance to see what options they have in store for your child.


Thursday, 11 August 2016

Things You Must Know Regarding Disorders That Decreases Your Height

Most of us are interested in knowing ways and checking for tips on how to increase height. However, are you aware of those certain disorders that you may have which could definitely hinder you to increase height accordingly?

One has to consider that fact that there are conditions in our body or certain disorders that may hinder us to increase height. There are some health issues that may be discovered easily and then after have them corrected, while there are other issues that are difficult to detect and to correct.

The usual cause of these disorders are due to the continuous stress that people receive regarding such environmental factors that are not promoting good health. Under normal conditions, a person may have to deal with unhealthy eating habits, which leads to further malnutrition. However, you may also fid certain disorders that are genetically acquired and may cause the decrease in height.

One of the genetic issues regarding the spine is Scoliosis. If a person has scoliosis, it's severe condition can be noticed when you look at the person's back, it is somehow not at the same level. Scoliosis can be detected through a chest X-Ray. Scoliosis decreases your height, because the formation of your spine is not normal. Another is that, this condition adds more stress to the muscles, ligaments, and discs in your spine, which leads to certain back and neck pains after strenuous activities. Having this disorder not corrected accordingly, may lead to other complications.

Another disorder that would hinder a person to increase height is Valgus Knees. This disorder comes about if there has been an injury that has not been attended properly for it to establish healing. This is one of the most discomforting condition that one may have in connection with the decrease in height.

Aside from these two aforementioned, you may find other growth disorders that may lead to a decrease in height. This includes the incapacity of a person to absorb food. If this is the case then, the person would not be properly nourished to gain the nutrients that are needed by the body to increase height.

There are other conditions that are connected with the decrease in one's height. If you feel that you have issues regarding the growth and development of your body, consult your physician for an expert's advice, they would definitely be able to provide you more answers to your queries.


Monday, 8 August 2016

10 Sure Fire Tips To Grow Taller Fast

Do you want to grow taller fast, without having to take in growth pills that are not that much effective? Well, that's easy, but you need to exert more effort on this option, but you'll definitely get the results that you want. Here are some tips for you, for your endeavor to grow taller fast.

1. The first thing that you should do in the morning is to exercise, but before you do those hard-core exercises, you may want to do some stretching first. You can do this while you are still lying down on the bed, to waken up your senses. Stretch your arms as if you were pulling it up, and then stretch your legs downward, as if you were pulling it down. Doing this every morning before you wake up would help you grow taller fast.

2. Breathing is also a good exercise in the morning. Go ahead, and take some deep breaths. Inhale deep with your nose, hold your breath, and then exhale with your mouth. Do this repetitively to fill your lungs with oxygen.

3. You need enough sunshine in the body so, you may go outdoors and expose yourself into the early morning sunshine. The sun provides us vitamin D, which is a necessary nutrient needed by the body.

4. Now, you can start those exercises that you have in mind. You may begin with walking outside. Walking is a very good exercise that may be done any time of the day.

5. After your daily exercises, you should end it up with doing some massages in particular points of your body, to stimulate your growth hormones. Massage can be a form of exercise, and at the same time, a form of relaxation for you.

6. Remember that you should maintain a very good posture. So not slouch when you are sleeping . Let your stomach in and put your chest out. Your chin should always be in an upright position to maintain that posture, In doing this, you will feel that you are indeed taller.

7. It is important that when you feel tired after exercising, you should rest. Your body needs to regain its energy to do other things, so better take those short naps for about half an hour, then after you can go back to your chores.

8. When you are about to sleep at night, you should always remember to keep your back  flat on the bed to straighten out your spine.

9. Do not forget to drink plenty of water. You need water to keep you from dehydration and to replenish the lost moisture in your body while exercising.

10. Last but not the least, you should avoid nicotine and alcohol. Unhealthy habit won't lead you to your success in growing taller fast. Instead it would hinder you to do so, because of the toxic it gives your body.


Protein and Vitamins - Essential Nutrients Needed To Become Taller

If you would like to become taller, you should consider that your body is nourished with all the food and vitamins that you need. However the food that you eat everyday, may not include all the nutrients that you need to be able to keep your body healthy and help you establish gaining height. What you need to know, is where to get the vitamins that you need, and what are the right sources of food that would provide you the nutrients necessary for you to become taller.

For those who would like to grow taller, it is recommended that you eat foods that are rich in protein. If you haven't heard, those individuals who have gone through fitness programs and muscle  building, are required to do the same, because, protein is needed by the body to continuously build muscles and tissues, as well as promoting growth for the bones.

You may be able to find a various kind of protein rich food to consider as your sources for the protein level that you need. The best sources of protein are nuts, eggs, poultry, meat, fish, fish oil, nuts, and other dairy products. These protein rich foods may be available in your daily meal, but if it's not, then you have to take note of them to keep a balanced diet which includes foods rich with protein.

You should also consider the vitamins that you need aside from protein, You may look into Vitamin BS, Vitamin A, as well as Vitamin D, these vitamins can also be found from the food that we eat.

Best sources of vitamin B2 are dairy products, milk and eggs

. While, vitamin A can be found in green leafy vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnip and liver.

 Now, if you would like to obtain foods rich in vitamin D, you look for salt water fish, which are also regarded as oily fish.

And since we are talking about bones here, one would be needing calcium to strengthen the bones. Calcium rich foods would be milk, dark green leafy vegetables, liver, and eggs.

All you have to do is to keep all of these in mind, and add them to your diet, with some routinary exercises, enough sleep, and a complete healthy diet of protein and vitamin rich foods, you'll definitely become taller in no time.


Sunday, 7 August 2016

 Discover The Secrets Of Growing Taller - A Proper Height Program

Those who are in need of gaining more height would definitely benefit from the secrets of growing taller? Actually there are a lot of them to talk about, but what is the most important of them all, is considering to look for a proper height program that would help you grow tall.

It's not that difficult to incorporate a height program in your daily activities. It is just a matter of knowing what to do first, and where, and when you can actually perform it. If you would be looking for a height program that would suite you best, you would definitely be dealing with the exercises needed for you to accomplish that inch by inch achievement to grow tall.

An excellent height program would help you grow tall in a manner where you wouldn't be  uncomfortable in what you are doing, as a daily routine. Usually a height program would include exercises such as kicking, jumping, swimming, stretching, cycling, deep breathing, massaging, and hanging.

You may be able to perform these activities, but one at a time only. Depending on what activities you have scheduled for the day, you may want to perform some of these exercises so you can stick with the program accordingly.

A height program would be available for you to follow, and with strict compliance with it, you will be able to achieve your goal to grow tall in just a short period of time. All you have to do is to focus on the points that are generally discussed on that particular height program that you chose to follow, and make sure that you continuously follow the schedule that would be given for every routine exercise that you re going to perform.

Some of the height programs that you will encounter may take for about six weeks for you to accomplish. Imagine that? , in six weeks’ time, you become several inches taller?

With enough dedication and persistence in doing all the exercises indicated in your height program, you will be able to achieve a longer spine, longer legs, and a beautiful height. So maintain that enthusiasm in doing all the exercises in your height program, and you'll surely obtain that desired height that you have always wanted.


Growing Taller Tips - How Can Sleeping Help You Grow Tall

Are you one of those people interested to grow tall, and have gone through a height increase program to achieve your desired height? If you would notice that, certain height programs include sleeping as a form of the body being in the state of rest, which would therefore be a requirement to succeed with one's endeavor to grow tall.

To be in a height increase program, is somehow like bring in a fitness program. You exercise your way naturally to stimulate the growth hormones as well as lengthen the bones in the body. In doing all the necessary routinary exercises, one would be needing rest. Were not talking about the ordinary catnap or siesta here, instead what you need to do here is to allow yourself to sleep for about nine to ten hours a day, and this is somehow recommendable.

This is one of the growing tall tips that you should take note of, why? Because to tell you frankly, plenty of sleep is what you need to grow tall accordingly. What you have to do is, to lie flat on your back, and allow your spine to stretch, as well as straighten out. Since the spine is the one that takes pressure when standing or sitting, lying down releases that pressure and allow the cartilages between the vertebrae to stretch and function properly.

No wonder why, when we were little, we are always asked by our parents to get more sleep so we can grow tall. Well, thinking that it has no basis at all, we ignore them. But now, there is a scientific basis which doctors were able to prove this right, that sleeping does have to do something with our chances of gaining more height. And in doing this, we are not only doing this to obtain the height that we are longing for, but we also put our body to rest, which means that, we are giving our body the chance to regain the energy that it lost throughout the day.

It is important that you get enough sleep after those exercises you have gone through. It is recommended that you sleep tight at night. If you would really like to obtain the results that you want from any height increasing program, make sure that you get nine to ten hours of sleep, and you'll surely be pleased on how is it going to turn out.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Growing Taller - What Benefits Do You Have In Being Tall

Many of us would like to engage in particular height increase programs that would help individuals in their desire to grow taller. There are a lot advantages in being tall, and most of us would like to experience these benefits on our own.

Let's say you would ask a woman on what type of man would she like to date, height is always present in the qualifications, she'd prefer -- tall, dark, and handsome. If this woman were a model, you definitely would like to have those qualifications, right? What if the only thing that you're not is -- tall? Isn't that frustrating?

Have you had gone to any job hunting fair, or probably had gone through applying for a job. Although height is not really one of the qualifications that is being asked for when you are applying for an office job, however, try to observe the taller one most likely is the one to get the job.

Speaking of looking for a job, as you go look for job vacancies on job hunting sites or in classified ads, you'll find a lot of job offers that have height qualifications, like for instance, cabin crews, stewards, nurses, and other jobs. If you want a career in basketball, you definitely have to be tall.

There are a lot of people who suffer from inferiority complex because they don't have the height needed for a job, or an audition. To alleviate this issue, health and fitness trainers researched on ways to help 'short' individuals to pursue on finding ways to grow taller.

To grow taller is not that difficult for someone who is determined to work his or her way out to obtain that desired height. It definitely is going to take a lot of perseverance and exercise to do so. However, to get the best results on these routinary activities to be done, one has to obtain a height increase program, that would focus on the focal points of the body that would allow the person to grow taller.

Usually, the focal points that has to be considered for the exercises that you would go through, has to do with the spine, legs, breathing, and mastering some reflex points that would help in stimulating your glands.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

How To Grow Taller By Deep Breathing and Massaging

There are simple ways to reach your goals in life as well as to grow taller. You'll just have to know the right exercises and how will you execute it properly, so you would be able to take advantage of it in time.

To grow taller, you have to eat the right food, have a complete eight hour sleep and perform the right exercises. You may not find deep breathing and massage that much concentrated on your bones and spine but, this could definitely help in stimulating your hormones and glands to work double time for you to grow taller.

Deep Breathing To Grow Taller

Deep breathing should be done properly to make it effective for your growing taller exercises. This would help bring more oxygen to your body, and have oxygen carried into your blood stream. Through proper oxygenation, your blood can now carry oxygenated blood as well as the hormones to the right areas in the body.

Let's say that you are performing your daily stretches, accompany it with deep breathing exercises. Through deep breathing alone, you need to focus on inhaling, holding your breath, and then after, exhaling. This exercise would involve your nose and your mouth

When you perform the right deep breathing exercises, you should breathe in air using your nose, hold the air with your mouth, and then exhale the air out of your mouth.

Grow Taller Through Massaging

Massaging has been one way of relaxing the body, through massaging; the reflex points which are concentrated on the different parts of our body may stimulate the production and functions of the hormones related to growth.

There actually is a special nerve that is connected to the pituitary gland, that when stimulated through a reflex point, would allow the pituitary gland to send signals to the thyroid, and stimulate the growth hormones to work accordingly.

There are two reflex points that you can focus on, one is situated in the pad of your thumb, and the other is through your whole neck. You may rub these parts of your body in a clockwise motion, to stimulate your growth hormones, and have them properly distributed in the designated growth areas of your body.